Direction: Eun Jung Choi-Gonzalez
Actors: Lince Siblings (Fanadjani y Juanfran) from Mexico City
Voice: Guillermo Ortega Tanus
This work was created with the spark of an idea during my teaching residency at CICO (The Center of Choreographic Investigation) in Mexico City. I was staying at a hotel, called Casa Blanca in the heart of Mexico City with Guillermo. There I was fascinated by the peculiarity of our transient lives, pretentiousness, and emotional/physical/ financial attachment. The work was fully realized by Guillermo and Lince Siblings’ brilliant humor, and acting/movement skills, with my very defined concept and loosely structured direction.
PART 1: Instalación – Galería Humilde (Installation – Gallery of Humility)
Duration: 3:36 minutos.
PART 3: ¿Porque No? (Why Not?)
Duration: 1:22 minutos.
PART 2: Hotel Casa de La Maestra (The House of the Master)
Duration: 4:30 minutos.